Volunteer with BC RCMP
The volunteers working with the RCMP in BC help us meet our challenges while increasing our reach into the communities we serve.
The work of volunteers strengthens our communities and contributes towards our goal of a safe and secure Canada.
Canada’s volunteers make a tremendous contribution in communities across the country and around the globe. They make our communities resilient and our country vibrant. At an organizational level, this contribution is mirrored by our own dedicated force of 1,600 RCMP community based volunteers. These individuals allow us to deepen our connection with our communities and extend our activities and influence beyond our own reach
Volunteer opportunities
The RCMP offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for you. Programs and activities offered differ at each detachment.
Examples of our common volunteer programs:
Auxiliary Program
Auxiliaries are trained and authorized to perform non-enforcement community policing and crime prevention activities.
Block Watch
Block Watch volunteers take a proactive approach to crime prevention and safety in their neighbourhoods.
Volunteer Patrol
Volunteer Patrols provide an extra set of "eyes and ears" for the police through patrols conducted on foot, on bicycles and in vehicles.
Community Police Offices (CPOs)
Trained and security-cleared volunteers help staff at CPOs, offering assistance to the public.
Programs partnering with ICBC
- Lock Out Auto Crime
- Stolen Auto Recovery
- Speed Watch and Cell Phone Watch
Restorative Justice
Trained volunteers facilitate Community Justice Forums, a safe and respectful environment that provides an opportunity to discuss the impact of a harmful incident and creates an equal voice for offenders, victims/communities and their supporters.
Victim Services Program
As a volunteer with Victim Services you will provide support to victims, witnesses, family members, and others who have been impacted by crime and trauma.
- Business Watch
- Home Security Check
- Rural Watch
- Community events
For more information or to apply
Visit your local RCMP detachment or Community Police Office.
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