BC RCMP Southeast District Major Crime Unit investigating suspicious death
Kamloops City, Tk’emlúps Rural
2024-09-24 09:19 PDT
File # SED MCU 2024-18049
On September 7, 2024, Michael Scott was reported as missing from the Kamloops area, last seen by family during the early morning hours of September 3, 2024, in his 2017 blue Dodge Ram pickup.
On September 20, 2024, the body of Michael Scott was discovered in a rural area of Kamloops.
The Southeast District Major Crime Unit has assumed conduct of the investigation and is determining whether Scott’s death is the result of foul play.
Investigators are working to determine Scott’s movements from September 3, 2024 up until September 20, 2024, in an effort to determine his activities prior to his death. At this time, there is nothing to suggest that a threat to the public exists
said Staff Sergeant Jason Smart, NCO i/c of the Southeast District MCU.
Investigators are appealing to the public that if they have video, dash camera or other, from the Strawberry Hill area from September 3, 2024, to September 20, 2024, to contact the Southeast District Major Crime Unit Tip Line at 1‐877‐987‐8477.
For media inquiries contact: Cpl. James Grandy by email at james.grandy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or phone 250-460-2398.
Released by:
Cpl. Crystal EvelynMedia Relations Officer
Kamloops RCMP
560 Battle Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6N4
Office: 250-828-3193
Fax: 250-828-3034
Website: kamloops.rcmp.ca
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