Are you fit to be a Mountie?
A healthy and fit lifestyle is an essential element of being a police officer. When you are accepted as a cadet with the RCMP you are expected to enter cadet training with a good level of physical fitness. The training program is not designed to "get in shape", but rather to allow you to enhance your fitness knowledge and abilities.
It is extremely important for you to maintain and/or improve your fitness level throughout the application process to ensure your success both at training and in your career as a police officer. If you're considering a policing career, start working on your fitness today!
In preparation for the RCMP Cadet Training Program at the RCMP training facility called Depot in Regina Saskatchewan, the RCMP highly recommends training for the fitness requirements in advance. If you fail the fitness requirements at Depot, you get to try again within three days, but if you fail again, you will be sent home.
The RCMP wants to ensure your success. There are four assessments to measure fitness for RCMP duty. Each assessment replicates common, essential, physically demanding tasks that may occur in policing.
Upbeat music ♫
[Police officers performing the police fitness assessment.]
Police Fitness Assessment
[Police officer running after a client.]
Foot Pursuit
[Police officer running in gym.]
500 meters run
[Police officer running after a man who jumps a chain link fence.]
1 time fence climb
[Police officers jump a fence outdoors and inside a gym.]
Emergency Assistance
[Police officer checks on a person laying in the grass.]
Gold standard, load 15 items on a truck
[Police officer loads big jugs of water onto a table.]
Field standard, touch 15 items on wall
[Woman lifts and touches sandbag on wall in a gym.]
3 times warry weight 50 meters
[Man deadlifts weight and carries sandbags across the gym.]
High priority call
[Police officer runs up stairs.]
150 meters run
[Police officer runs inside a gym.]
2 flights of stairs
[Police officers run up stairs.]
Gold standard, sled push and pull
[Police officers pull weighted sleds inside a gym in a zig zag. Police officer grabs and pulls a man.]
Gold standard, weighted mannekin takedown
[Police officer pulls a mannikin down onto a mat in the gym.]
Field standard, medicine ball toss
[Woman sitting down inside a gym throws medicine ball. Police officer pulls down mannikin to the ground in the gym. Police officer pulls a weighted sled in a zig zag. Police officer jumps a fence. Woman throws medicine against a wall. Police officer runs up stairs with a gun.]
Police Fitness Assessment
Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2024.
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Assessment 1: Foot pursuit
A 500m run with directional changes. At the halfway point of the assessment the cadet must climb a 1.4 metre chain-link fence.
Assessment 2: Physical control
Alternately pushing and pulling a sled that requires the cadet to overcome 37kg of resistance. There is one position change at the halfway point where the cadet lies on the ground and returns to a standing position. After the sled push and pull is complete the cadet will proceed to pull down a weighted mannequin that requires them to overcome 54kg of force. This assessment must be completed without any stopping.
Assessment 3: Emergency assistance
The cadet will load the back of a truck bed with 15 objects. Each item weighs 23 kg and there are 5 different shapes/styles of objects. This assessment is completed for time.
The second part of this task is to evacuate patients to safety. This requires the cadet to run 50 meters and then carry a weight that replicates the position and size of ½ a stretcher with an adult casualty. The cadet will repeat this task three times for time.
Assessment 4: High priority task
In this task the cadet will wear the additional weight of the hard body armour gear. They will run 150 metres, climb two flights of stairs, and finish with an additional short sprint. They will be carrying a 4.5kg weight in their hands during the task. This task must be completed in 90 seconds.
Each of these tasks are performed in the police uniform and/or replica weight divided between the vest and duty belt. Early in training cadets will perform the assessment in T-shirt and shorts. They will progress to the uniform & equivalent kit weight for their final assessments.
Experiencing the assessments at Depot
Cadets will perform the Foot Pursuit and Physical Control Assessment in Week 1. These two assessments will be repeated three times throughout training (beginning, middle and near graduation). The Emergency Assistance Tasks will take place part way through training. They will be repeated once later in the program. The High Priority Task will take place one time, part way through the second half of training.
Be prepared! You want to arrive at Depot in good physical condition so that you do not risk injuring yourself or being terminated from the Cadet Training Program. Being physically fit will help make the training easier for you.
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