Sherry Corrigal has been missing for 4 months


2024-01-10 09:00 PST

File # 2023-39145

Recent picture of Sherry Corrigal  picture of tattoos on the back of Sherry Corrigal

22-year old Sherry Corrigal has been missing since early September 2023. She was reported missing to the Nanaimo RCMP on November 9, 2023.

Police are extremely concerned about Sherry’s whereabouts as she has not been in contact with friends and family since September, which is very unusual. As a result, a full-time team of investigators has been assigned to her case. Those investigators have been tracking down dozens of tips and leads but have not located Sherry.

We are asking anyone who saw Sherry around the time of her disappearance or since to contact police directly, said Constable Simon Gallimore of the Nanaimo RCMP. Police are aware of social media posts going around asking people to contact persons other than the police with information. This has resulted in numerous unsubstantiated rumours circulating about what may have happened to Sherry. Police need to speak directly with anyone with first-hand information about Sherry’s whereabouts. Rumours are just that, rumours. They are a very poor source of information for the investigative team, said Gallimore

Sherry is approximately 5 feet tall and weighs 90-100 pounds with long dark hair. She has several distinct tattoos on her arms, hands and back. The photos provided are recent.

Anyone who saw Sherry in early September 2023, who has had contact with Sherry since that time, or who has direct knowledge of what has happened to Sherry are asked to contact Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345.

View previous release:  Sherry Corrigal is missing

Released by:

R/Cst Gary O'Brien
Media Relations Officer
Nanaimo RCMP
303 Prideaux St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3
Office: 250-734-5445
Cell: 250-713-0701


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