Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice - Contact your local RCMP detachment for referral info

Restorative Justice is a response to crime that offers an alternative method of justice to the traditional court system.

Through the Restorative Justice process, offenders, victims and other parties affected by the offence committed are invited to discuss the circumstances with the ultimate goal of coming to agreeable terms for resolution and repair the harm caused to the victim and community.

Results have indicated that offenders participating in the Restorative Justice process are less likely to re-offend or stop offending all together. The process has also resulted in increased satisfaction for both victims and offenders than the traditional criminal justice system approach.

How the program works in BC

Restorative Justice programs are coordinated, managed and funded at the community level.

RCMP officers who attend to calls for service will assess on a case-by-case basis and screen for suitability for referral to the community-run Restorative Justice program. Suitability for these referrals largely rely on the victim’s desire to take this route, as opposed to moving ahead with a criminal charge, as well as the offender’s willingness to be accountable for their actions and participate in the process.



For support and more information about Restorative Justice programs in your community, please contact your local RCMP detachment.

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