
What is Bullying? 

Bullying is when someone intentionally does or says something to hurt another person. This behaviour is often repetitive and deliberate.

Bullying can take many forms such as: 

Recognize the Signs

Warning signs that someone is being bullied can include:

Protect Yourself & Others

Everyone has a role to play in stopping bullying. Choose not to ignore it, take a stand, and report bullying to police or a school official. Students attending school in Surrey can report bullying anonymously at www.psst-bc.ca. Crimes such as assault or threats should be reported to the Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502.

Use the Gawk-Talk-Walk-Block approach:

Remember – it gets better.

The Surrey RCMP Youth Unit championed a video sharing the stories of police officers – their fears, struggles and how it got better for them. View the "It Gets Better" video.

Other Resources


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