Business Security

Looking for something to steal? Download Business Security Posters

Review the security of your business frequently to ensure your property is a less appealing target for thieves. This includes looking at the exterior space and the design and layout of the interior, and ensuring employees are up to date on security policies and procedures.


Keep your business clean, visible and well-lit to make it less attractive to thieves.

Doors and Windows


The layout of your interior space can play an important role in deterring crime.

Employee Safety

It’s important to provide employees with a safe working environment by establishing security policies and procedures.

Additional Management Tips

Business Engagement & Safety Team (BEST)

The Surrey RCMP's Business Engagement & Safety Team (BEST) is a community policing initiative that further links police and businesses in the interest of crime prevention. Surrey RCMP volunteers visit businesses across the city and provide merchants with information on how to report and proactively manage public safety issues that impact their business.

Contact BEST

Security Audits

To request a security assessment or CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) audit for your business, please email

Crime Maps & Stats

Sign up for our Crime Stats enewsletter – you will receive monthly crime maps of break and enters and robberies in your area as well as quarterly crime statistics.

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