Ashcroft RCMP Blog - August 28th, 2023


2023-08-28 15:49 HAP

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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et


Welcome to the Ashcroft RCMP Blog.

Through this blog, we are hoping to keep the Ashcroft, Cache Creek, and surrounding communities more informed about our ongoing efforts to serve you all. It will be available through local media outlets as well as through the Ashcroft RCMP Media Website, which can be accessed here.


Recent files of note

Search warrant executed

On August 12th, Ashcroft RCMP received a report of a breach of conditions by a man in Cache Creek. This report indicated the man had a baton, which he was not allowed to possess, and was engaging in a conversation with someone he had conditions not to contact. On August 13th, a search warrant was executed at the man’s residence and police seized two batons as well as a quantity of suspected illicit substances that were of a sufficient amount to indicate the man was trafficking said substances. The man is now having multiple charges recommended against him, including failing to comply with an Undertaking, weapons possession, possession of a substance for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of property obtained by crime.

Children’s charity box stolen

On August 3rd, Ashcroft RCMP responded in the early hours to a break and enter at the Dairy Queen restaurant in Cache Creek. A large Children’s Miracle Network donation box and the cash within it had been stolen. Later that same day, the donation box was located nearby. The cash had been removed, but the suspect had left their blood behind on the box. Ashcroft RCMP also received information about two suspects seen with the box and the individuals were immediately recognized from the description. A sample of the blood has been obtained and has been forwarded for DNA analysis to aid in confirming suspect identification prior to the suspects being charged.

Theft from vehicles leads to an arrest

On August 26th, Ashcroft RCMP responded to two reports of theft from vehicles in the Cache Creek area. In one report, a wallet and its contents were stolen. In the second report, a laptop and a bag containing a family heirloom teddy bear were taken. Members responded and located a known individual walking away from an area of sage brush. The man was arrested on an outstanding warrant and was remanded. The laptop and the bag containing the bear were recovered from the sage brush and returned to their owner.


Thought of the day

Despite what the majority of our clientele state when we are putting them into handcuffs for whatever crime they’ve committed, we are an intelligent bunch of coppers and think critically (with an investigative bent) every day.

The thought of the day for this edition of our blog is this:

Due to our communities having a nexus of highways, we see a lot of non-local traffic coming through and receive multiple reports daily of drivers who are not following the rules of the road, are driving erratically, or are driving in a way that is just flat-out dangerous.

This is not a problem that is unique to our area – wherever there are roads, there will be disrespectful drivers – but we see a disproportionate amount of these calls because of the non-local traffic.

We, as police, can’t always intercept these drivers when they are on the road, but we will always follow up with the registered owner (and sometimes issue a ticket to the registered owner) if we are able to identify the vehicle. With that in mind, we encourage everyone who witnesses one of these disrespectful or dangerous drivers to call us and to always have in your mind to provide these three details:

- The license plate number
- The colour of the vehicle
- The make of the vehicle

With those three pieces of information, we will have the ability to at least follow-up with the vehicle owner and attempt to identify who was driving.


Have fun and be safe,

Cst. Richard Wright
Ashcroft RCMP



Diffusé par :

Gend. Richard Wright
Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Ashcroft
Bureau : 250-453-2216

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