Contact BC RCMP

To report a crime, or for immediate police assistance:

please call 9-1-1 or contact your local RCMP detachment or the police force in your area.

If you live outside Canada, please contact your local police service and ask them to make a request for assistance from the appropriate Canadian law enforcement agency.

Please note:

  1. The RCMP does not accept reports of crime via email or social media. 
  2. E-mails that include foul or obscene language will not be responded to.
  3. Correspondence that contains threats to public or police officer safety, or appear to be created for the sole purpose of inciting hatred, may be retained for legal purposes and possible criminal prosecution.
  4. Information that you send electronically could be accessed by another person. Do not send personal information.
  5. Messages are reviewed and answered during normal business hours only.

If you are seeking information, we invite you to:

  1. check out our How Do I section
  2. use the Search BC RCMP field below.

You can contact us at:

Your comments are important to us and we will address legitimate e-mails of general inquiries, comments and suggestions during working hours.

"E" Division
14200 Green Timbers Way,
Surrey, B.C. V3T 6P3

General Inquiries
Phone: 778-290-3100

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