Have your say with the BC RCMP Youth Advisory Committee!

B.C., Community Policing Services

2022-10-06 13:12 PDT

Are you between the ages of 14-18 with a passion for effecting change in our communities? This is great opportunity for you!

The BC RCMP is pleased to announce that they will once again be hosting the Youth Advisory Committee for the 2022-2023 school year!

Group photo of BC RCMP Youth Advisory Committee participants.

The BC RCMP Youth Advisory Committee brings together up to 30 youth aged 14 to 18 from all across British Columbia to discuss important issues that they face in their respective communities.

The purpose of the BC RCMP Advisory Committee is to represent the youth voice within the RCMP and to gain insight on how the RCMP can deliver effective youth strategies and initiatives.

Youth today need support navigating social media, drugs and alcohol, and other teen issues. The RCMP need to understand that their approach is going to make the difference, if everything is based on a punishment, we quit listening, said Dimias, a past youth advisor.

For their participation, youth will:

If you are interested or know of a youth who would like to participate, please email: yacbc@rcmp-grc.gc.ca for an application.

Completed applications must be returned by October 31, 2022.

If you have any questions please contact: E_Youth@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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BC RCMP Communications
(778) 290-2929

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