Community Policing
Are you aware?
Community Policing is a partnership between the police and the community working together to prevent or resolve problems that affect the communities safety and quality of life. The co-operation and help we have received from our volunteers makes our partnership second to none, and goes a long way towards making our community an enjoyable place to live
Did you know?
The Community Policing Committee:
- Promotes the ideas of Community Policing through information exchange and cooperation between the community and the police.
- Identifies and addresses crime concerns within the communities.
- Provides support and promotes crime prevention programs through education.
- Develops, promotes and assists with ongoing crime prevention projects.
- Supports and assists with resource development.
What we do
- Circle of Strength
- Block watch
- Citizens on Patrol
- Mounted Citizens on Patrol
- Crime stoppers
- Speed watch
- Restorative Justice
- Operation Red Nose
- Violence Awareness and Prevention
Our Mission Statement
"Safer Homes" "Safer Communities"
Our Objectives
- To facilitate open communication between the Citizens of Williams Lake and its Police force.
- To solicit and receive community input into the quality and type of Police Services required by the community.
- To participate in the RCMP planning process for the purpose of addressing our community needs.
- To assist Williams Lake Detachment in identifying and addressing Community Policing issues.
How to Join our Team
The Williams Lake RCMP and City of Williams Lake is very privileged to enjoy the assistance of over 100 volunteers! These dedicated individuals assist in our Detachment and our community in a number of different roles. They give freely of their time, knowledge and talent, helping to build better, stronger, and safer communities. Our volunteers are an essential part of our community and the RCMP.
To become a volunteer in one of the many programs, please contact our Community Safety Manager at 250 392-8701 or direct email link ~
You will also be required to complete a criminal record check. Being a volunteer for the RCMP and City of Williams Lake, there is no cost for this process. Both these forms must be dropped off in person at 575 Borland Street, Williams Lake RCMP detachment.
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