Get Home Safe


2022-12-15 07:22 PST


Time denoted 00:00:00 = hr:min:sec
DV: = Described Video
A: = sounds and music on video
V: = Voice speaking on video
T: = text on video

00:00:00 to 00:00:05
DV: video opens with a view of a roadway, an overpass and a CounterAttack sign. A yellow road marker flashes a red light, an orange hazard cone and a white car are located to the right of the view.
A: Traffic noises in the background, then soft background piano music begins
T: In BC, on average, 64 people die every year in crashes involving impaired driving.

00:00:06 to 00:00:24
DV: scene transitions to an office where a man in white suit and black tie is seated at a desk with computer devices on either side of him. There are large windows with beige coloured blinds behind him. Chief Super Intendent Dave Chauhan, Officer in Charge of Richmond RCMP.
V: The man says, Each year, police officers respond to fatal motor vehicle crashes involving impaired driving. One of the most difficult things a police officer has to do involves the sombre task of telling someone that their loved one will never be coming home. There is never a good time for anyone to hear this news.

00:00:25 to 00:00:29
DV: Scene transitions back to the roadside at night. A police officer in a yellow jacket and blue pants with a yellow stripe stands beside an orange traffic cone directing traffic with his flashlight. Police emergency lights can be seen in vehicles behind him, as well as an overpass and a series of red and green traffic lights. Police officer approaches a stopping vehicle and speaks to the driver
T: Approximately 23% of car crash fatalities in B.C. are related to impaired driving.
V: Hello, how are you tonight? Good, we’re just doing a road check.

00:00:030 to 00:00:037
DV: Scene transitions back to the office where a man in white suit and black tie continues to speak
V: This holiday season, get home safely. If you drink alcohol or consume drugs, please don’t drive.

00:00:037 to 00:00:44
DV: Scene transitions back to the roadside at night, another police officer in yellow reflective jacket and blue pants with a yellow strip approaches a white car. Three orange traffic cones and a vehicle with emergency lights flashing can also be seen.
V: The police officer and driver engage in conversation Hi, how are you doing? Good. Good, good. Any alcohol for you this evening? No alcohol. No alcohol tonight? Perfect, a safe driver. Thank you.
T: Impaired driving remains a leading contributor to car crash fatalities in B.C.

00:00:45 to 00:00:054
DV: scene transitions to a text page. As the man in the white shirt continues to speak, new portions of text appear with blue icons of a person, a taxi, a cell phone and a bus.
V: Identify someone to be a designated driver. Call a friend or a taxi. Use Rideshare. Or take public transit.
T: Make a plan to get home safe! Use a Designated Driver. Call a Friend / Taxi. Use Rideshare. Take Public Transit.

00:00:55 to 00:01:00
DV: Screen fades to white, then transitions back to the man in the white shirt in his office.
V: Let’s all do our part to make this season safer for everyone.

00:01:01 to 00:01:06
DV: Screen fades to black. Then text appears.
T: With so many options, there is no excuse to drive while impaired. #GetHomeSafeBC
00:01:07 to 00:01:08
DV: Black screen with text and RCMP crest.
T: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Gendarmerie royale du Canada, Copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2022.

00:01:09 to 00:01:12
DV: Government of Canada logo appears then fades to black
T: Canada
A: music fades out

Richmond RCMP is encouraging people to plan ahead if they plan to indulge this holiday season.

In the most recent video released by Richmond RCMP, Officer in Charge Chief Superintendent Dave Chauhan, says Each year, police officers respond to fatal motor vehicle crashes involving impaired driving. One of the most difficult things a police officer has to do involves the sombre task of telling someone that their loved one will never be coming home.

He encourages those who consume alcohol or drugs to plan ahead to get home safely.

Make a plan to get home safe! Use a Designated Driver. Call a Friend / Taxi. Use Rideshare. Take Public Transit, says Chief Supt. Chauhan.

This holiday season – Get Home Safe. If you drink alcohol or consume drugs, please don’t drive.



Released by:

Cpl. Ian Henderson
Media Relations Officer
Richmond RCMP
11411 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 4E8
Office: 604-207-4747
Cell: 604-765-4528


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