North Vancouver RCMP warn of blackmail, Bitcoin extortion scam

North Vancouver

2024-09-18 11:46 PDT

File # 2024

North Vancouver RCMP is warning residents about an ongoing extortion scam after receiving four reports in a two-day span.

In the scam, perpetrators claim to have acquired compromising pictures of the victim and direct them to send money to a Bitcoin wallet or the pictures will be sent to their friends and family.

The scam starts with the suspect sending an email to the victim stating that they have been looking at adult content online and that malware has captured compromising photos of the victims doing so.

The suspect then provides a photo of the victim’s house along with their name and DOB as proof that they know where the victim lives. The suspect then demands a $2,000 payment to be made immediately via Bitcoin wallet or they will release the photos to family and friends.

Thankfully in all of the four cases reported to the police, the victim did not comply with the demands and called police immediately, said Constable Mansoor Sahak, Media Relations Officer for the North Vancouver RCMP. We are asking residents to exercise caution to avoid falling victim to this scam and report these scams through our online crime reporting tool.

Protect yourself On the Internet:

If you are a victim of sextortion:

To learn more about the North Vancouver RCMP’s online crime reporting tool, visit:

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Media Relations Unit
North Vancouver RCMP
147 East 14th St, North Van., BC, V7L 2N4
Office: 604-969-7321
Cell: 778-228-1619

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