Nanaimo incident report August 20 to August 23


2024-08-23 14:52 PDT

File # 2024

Extortion file # 2024-27114

On August 21, 2024 a man reported being extorted for $1500 after sending nude pictures of himself to an individual on a website called Hinged. After sending a lesser amount the complainant decided to call the police and break off communication with the individual. The complainant realized that he really had no idea who he was communicating with and took this as a learning lesson. Note: Its never a good idea to send nude pictures to anyone online.

Theft from vehicle file # 2024-27160

On August 20, 2024 a vehicle owner had his vehicle broken into while he was out for a hike. The vehicle had been parked along the side of Nanaimo River Road near South Forks Road. Items taken were sunglasses, a Sony camera and binoculars. Note: Thieves often target vehicles parked road side or at trailheads. Where possible remove all valuables from plain view of prying eyes.

Injured beaver file # 2024-27397

On August 22, 2024 police were dispatched to assist with an injured beaver that had been struck multiple times by passing vehicles on Harwood Road. Unfortunately, the injuries to the beaver were critical and it could not be saved. Note: if you come across an injured animal the first call for assistance should be to BC Conservation at 1-877-952-7277. The line is answered 24/7 and they will make the determination if police are required to attend.

Mischief to golf carts file # 2024-27316

On Thursday August 22, 2024 a resident on Protection Island reported that their golf cart had been taken from their driveway and replaced with an unknown cart. It was also reported that eight other carts and been taken from homes and moved to various locations around the island. The caller had no idea who was behind this and assumed it was a prank. The caller was quick to down play any concern there was a serial golf cart thief running rampant on the island.

Break and Enter to school file # 2024-27405

At approximately 1 AM on Friday August 23, 2024 a break and enter was reported at Rock City Elementary. Police attended and found that the door to the kitchen kicked in. Investigators believe the only item taken appeared to be ice cream bars, as an empty container was found nearby. The sweet tooth culprits were apparently not interested in anything else as a number of computer and iPads were left untouched. The roof may have provided access to the interior so it has been reinforced to prevent a repeat kitchen attack.

Impaired driving file # 2024-27435

At approximately 9 AM on August 23, 2024 police responded to report of a possible impaired driver on the Nanaimo Parkway near Jingle Pot Road. The caller said a newer model Ford Shelby was seen being driven recklessly. A description of the vehicle, driver and direction of travel was provided. Unfortunately, the vehicle was not found. Note: if you suspect a driver is impaired, do not wait until you arrive a home to call the police. Call 911 immediately.

Released by:

R/Cst Gary O'Brien
Media Relations Officer
Nanaimo RCMP
303 Prideaux St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3
Office: 250-734-5445
Cell: 250-713-0701


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