North Vancouver RCMP offer summer safety tips

North Vancouver

2024-07-10 13:44 PDT

File # 2024

With summer weather and scorching temperatures in full swing, North Vancouver RCMP would like to issue a public seasonal reminder to take extra precautions to keep your home and loved ones safe.

Secure the windows in your home

As the weather warms up, household windows tend to be open more often. North Vancouver RCMP would like to remind parents and anyone with young children in their lives to keep their windows secure and safe. The thought of a child falling out of a window is terrifying, but it happens, so take all measures to prevent this from happening.

Some tips on keeping your home more secure for young children:

For more tips, visit Fraser health website

Do not leave children or pets in your vehicle

It is never safe to leave your child unattended in your vehicle, but when the temperature rises, it is even more dangerous.

When it’s warm or hot outside, it’s even hotter inside your vehicle. Leave your pet at home.

Even a couple of minutes is too long to leave a pet or child in your vehicle. For more tips, visit BC SPCA website.

Limit the opportunities for thieves by keeping your home locked and safe

North Vancouver RCMP are asking residents to limit opportunities for thieves looking to take advantage of an open door, window or garage in your home.

If you’re taking time outside to enjoy the sunny weather, please ensure that doors are closed behind you and that accessible windows are secure. Even if you’re just spending time in your garden, it may only take a thief a moment to enter your home and leave with a laptop, phone, wallet or other valuables.

While many people diligently lock their doors and windows, one-way thieves may gain access to your home is through a garage door, particularly if that garage is attached to your home. If there are valuables stored in your garage, thieves might not bother going any further.

Follow the advice below to prevent becoming a victim:

Extreme Heat Response Plan

British Columbia’s summer temperatures are increasing. With the impact of climate change, periods of higher temperatures may become more frequent and last longer. We want to be prepared for extreme heat events and reduce the impact and risk to our health. We can do this by:

When temperatures soar, consider visiting community locations that are cool or air conditioned. Click here for a map of community cooling locations on the North Shore. Be sure to call or check online for hours of operation.

For more visit North Shore Emergency Management website.

Released by:

Media Relations Unit
North Vancouver RCMP
147 East 14th St, North Van., BC, V7L 2N4
Office: 604-969-7321
Cell: 778-228-1619

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