Found jewellery! Could it be yours?

Sunshine Coast

2024-06-03 12:13 HAP

Dossier nº 2024-3855

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

On May 29th, 2024 several items of women's jewellery were found in the parking lot of the Seniors Center at 5604 Trail Avenue in Sechelt.

Two silver bangles, 4 gold bangles and 2 women's antique watches have been turned in to the RCMP. One of the silver bangles has an inscription referencing someone's retirement with a date and a name.  If this could be your jewellery, please call us at 604-885-2266 or come the the Sunshine Coast RMCP detachment in Sechelt and provide identifying details and we would be thrilled to return it to you!  File number 2024-3855 relates.

Diffusé par :

Gend. Karen Whitby
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de la Sunshine Coast
5800, rue Teredo, Sechelt (C.-B.) V0N 3A0
Bureau : 604-885-2266
Télécopieur : 604-885-9473

Courriel :
Site Web : (en anglais seulement)

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