Quadra RCMP report March 1st to March 25th

Quadra Island

2024-03-26 08:24 PDT

Files of note

Impaired driver/hit and run

On March 15th, a local establishment reported an intoxicated driver leaving the restaurant. The complainant provided an incorrect license plate, but the officer was able to determine the correct plate through registered owner information. The vehicle was thought to be waiting at the ferries, but when the officer arrived it had since departed. While on scene, another complainant approached police and advised the same vehicle had backed into his vehicle and fled. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle despite extensive patrols. Officers advised the ferry staff to contact them should the vehicle return. Officers, while still unable to locate the vehicle on Quadra, located the owner in Campbell River a few days later and served a $368.00 ticket for fail to remain at the scene of an accident. The driver admitted to the accident and was cooperative with police.

Traffic hazard

On March 17th, Quadra RCMP received a report of a possible traffic hazard on Heriot Bay Road. The concerned complainant advised that two youths had a lemonade stand on the side of the road near a blind hill. The complainant was concerned as they had nearly crashed their vehicle due to other vehicles stopping and parking to get lemonade. Officers arrived and observed the stand was well off the side of the road and in a safe location. Officers were unsure if the lemonade stand had since moved, but were confident that the current location was not a traffic hazard and was very unlikely to cause an accident.


On March 21st, a manager at City West reported that fiber-optic cable along Whaletown Road on Cortes Island was cut in three places. Officers attended and learned that there was actually seventeen places in where the cables were cut. The complainant advised the cables were cut in such a way that someone would need to have knowledge of where to cut to make them inoperable. The damage to the cables was estimated at $40,000.

Mischief to vehicle

On March 21st, Quadra Island RCMP received a report of mischief to a vehicle in the Quathiaski Cove ferry parking lot. Officers attended and spoke with the driver and passenger who stated they were parked in the loading area when they heard their rear window smash. The complainant advised they thought it might be a BB gun, however, they hadn't seen or heard a BB gun. Officers spoke to staff and other witnesses on scene, and in the surrounding areas, all of whom denied seeing anyone with a BB gun. Officers were also unable to determine the cause of the broken window, but didn't find any evidence supporting the BB gun theory. Officers assisted with cleanup of the broken glass before departing.

Theft reports

In the first week of March, Quadra RCMP received three files regarding thefts in the South area of Heriot Bay area. Complainants advised that valuable items such as an expensive e-bike, gardening tools, chains saws, and gas jugs had been stolen from their properties. While investigating, officer discovered that multiple other people had items stolen but had failed to let police know. The Quadra RCMP are requesting the public to report thefts, no matter how small, as all information gathered helps the investigation move forward and provides important information to help apprehend those who are responsible.  

If anyone has knowledge of this crime or any other or who is responsible, please contact the Quadra RCMP at 250-285-3631. If you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their web site at www.crimestoppers.ca.

Released by:

Cst. Rebekah Draht
Media Relations Officer
Quadra Island RCMP
Office: 250-285-3631
Fax: 250-285-2053

Email: Quadra_ocr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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