Trail and Greater District RCMP weekly report - 2024-01-30

Trail and Greater District

2024-01-30 10:25 PST

Vehicle smash-and-grabs on the rise in parking lots in remote areas

File # 2024-294

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 3:53 p.m. Trail and Greater District RCMP received a report of a smash-and-grab to a vehicle parked in the parking lot of Nancy Green Provincial Park along Highway 3B, in Rossland, BC.

The owner had been hiking in the area and, when she returned to her vehicle, she discovered that her vehicle window has been smashed. The suspect(s) stole her wallet, bank cards, and identification then used her bank cards to purchase $300 worth of items.

File # 2024-321

On Friday, January 26, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Trail and Greater District RCMP received a report of a smash-and-grab to a vehicle parked in the parking lot of the Strawberry Pass along Highway 3B, in Rossland, BC.

The owner had been cross-country skiing in the area and, when she returned to her vehicle, she discovered that her window has been smashed. The suspect(s) stole documents and items valued around $600.

File # 2024-322

On Friday, January 26, 2024, at 3:21 p.m. Trail and Greater District RCMP received a report of a smash-and-grab to a vehicle parked in the parking lot of the Strawberry Pass along Highway 3B, in Rossland, BC.

The owner had been hiking in the area and, when she returned to her vehicle, she discovered that her vehicle window has been smashed. The suspect(s) stole her wallet, bank cards, and identification then used her bank cards to purchase $3900 worth of items.

These matters remained under investigation by Trail RCMP.

Every year thousands of vehicles are broken into and stolen. Any valuables left in the open can make your vehicle an appealing target. To help deter at thieves and theft, please consider the following tips:

Be aware that the items stolen most from vehicles include smartphones, personal electronics, tools, credit cards and identification, stereos, cash, car parts and accessories, sunglasses and keys.

For more information, visit:

Prohibited driver arrest leads to seizure of a weapon and suspected drugs

File # 2024-346

On Sunday, January 28th, 2024 at 8:20 p.m. a frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officer was conducting a patrol when he observed a 44-year-old Fruitvale man riding a motorcycle on Martin Street, Fruitvale, BC. The officer was aware that this man was prohibited from driving a motor vehicle in BC.

The officer parked his patrol car and approached the man. The officer advised the man that he was under arrest for driving while prohibited. The man claimed he was not driving and refused to comply with the officer’s verbal directions to step off the bike. When the man attempted to flee after further non-compliance, the officer removed the man from the motorcycle, brought the man under control and into custody after a short struggle with the assistance from another officer.

The officers searched the man’s clothing and back pack incident to his arrest and located 240 grams of three substances suspected to be street drugs, a switch blade, and suspected drug trafficking paraphernalia. The officers took the man into custody without further incident.

The 44-year-old Fruitvale man remains in police custody and faces several criminal charges stemming from the incident.

This guy really got revved up on this one, says Sgt. Wicentowich

Local destruction of seized firearms

Trail and Greater District RCMP destroyed several seized real and replica firearms last week. Trail RCMP has noticed an increase in criminals arming themselves with replica and real firearms as violence continues in the deadly drug trade. Unfortunately, some legally purchased firearms end up on the streets. To help prevent this, Trail RCMP requests anyone wanting to disposed of an unwanted firearm to contact the Trail Detachment at 250-364-2566 to make an arrangement to do so. In some cases, officers can attend homes to pick up firearms in an effort to reduce barriers in turning them over for safe disposal. This is one way to prevent firearms from ending up in the wrong hands.

Trail RCMP recommend that people who legally possess firearms to ensure that they are stored safely and securely in a monitored location, and to report any stolen or lost firearms immediately.

Local destruction of seized firearms in Trail, BC

Local destruction of seized firearms in

Seizing illicit firearms from the criminal element make our local community safer. Unfortunately, it’s become an all too frequent practice by officers, and a trend that seems to be on the rise, says Sgt. Wicentowich

Released by:

Cpl. James Grandy
District Advisory NCO (Media Relations)
Southeast District
Office: 250-460-2398


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