Kitimat RCMP weekly report November 23rd to November 29th, 2023


2023-11-30 08:57 PST

90-day IRP:

During a routine traffic stop on November 23rd, the Kitimat RCMP officer initiated an impaired driving investigation. The driver provided two samples of breath into an approved screening device, confirming the driver had consumed alcohol before driving. The driver received a 90-day immediate roadside driving prohibition and their vehicle was impounded for 30 days. (2023-4480)

90-day IRP-refusal:

While parked in a downtown location, working on a file during the late evening hours of November 24th, a Kitimat RCMP officer believed he had heard a vehicle strike something while driving. The officer conducted a traffic stop to investigate what was heard. While speaking to the driver, an impaired operation of the vehicle investigation was initiated. The driver failed to provide a sample of their breath into an approved roadside screening device. If a driver refuses or fails to provide a suitable sample of breath, the consequences is the same as if a ’Fail’ is blown. As in this case, the driver was issued a 90-day immediate driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for 30 days. It was also found that the sound the officer had heard was a curb the vehicle had struck. (2023-4502)

 3rd 90-day IRP in three days:

During the early morning hours of November 25th, a Kitimat RCMP officer conducted a traffic stop with a vehicle along Haisla Blvd. During the stop, the driver was requested to provide a sample of their breath into an approved screening device. The driver blew a ‘fail’ and provided a second sample into a different approved screening device with the same result. The driver was issued a 90-day Immediate Roadside driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for 30 days. (2023-4502)

Broken window:

The Kitimat RCMP was dispatched to a mischief file at a residence in the Whitesail neighborhood, on November 25th, where a window was found to have been broken. It was reported that overnight, an unknown person(s) had broken the window. A canvas of residential CCTV footage in the area was completed. One camera angle showed three possible suspects in the area, however they have not been tied into the mischief at this time. (2023-4504)

Intoxicated in public:

On November 27th, a Kitimat RCMP office, making patrols on the 200 block of City Centre, located a person laying on their back at a bus stop. The officer stopped to check on a male to ensure he was okay. It was found that the male was intoxicated and as arrested for causing a disturbance by being intoxicated in public, and lodged into the Kitimat RCMP detachment cells. The male was released without charge once sober. (2023-4529)

Mischief to a vehicle:

A report of damage to a vehicle parked in the Whitesail neighborhood was reported to the Kitimat RCMP on November 27th. Sometime in the pervious 48 hours, an unknown person(s) had thrown a large rock at the vehicle, causing a dent and broken windshield. Neighborhood enquiries were conducted looking for CCTC or witnesses to this mischief. (2023-4531)

Two vehicle collision:

The Kitimat RCMP was dispatched to a two-vehicle collision at the Kitimat River Bridge on Highway 37 during the morning hours of November 28th. It was found that one vehicle had made a sudden stop, after believing they had seen something in the roadway. The following vehicle attempted to stop as quickly, but slide into the first vehicle. No injures were reported to the investigation officer and both vehicles were towed from the scene. (2023-4539)

Single vehicle collision:

A vehicle travelling down Lahakas Blvd N during the evening of November 29th, appeared to encounter a mechanical issue. It was reported that as the driver attempted to slow down and stop, a lamp pole in the median was struck, causing the pole to fall and damages to the vehicle. The driver was not injured and the vehicle was towed from the scene. (2023-4560)

If you have any information of crimes that have occurred in the Kitimat area, and would like to report it to the police, you can report through Northern BC Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).. You will stay anonymous and if your tip leads to an arrest, you may receive a reward of up to $2000.

Released by

Sgt. Rob Gardner
Operations NCO
Kitimat RCMP
888 Lahakas Blvd, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H9
Office: 250-632-7111
Fax: 250-632-2326


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