Update in the ongoing Madison Scott investigation

Personnes disparues

2023-05-29 11:07 HAP

Dossier nº 2011E-4852

RCMP can confirm that there has been a significant investigational development into the disappearance of Madison (Maddy) Scott.

Maddy was reported missing on May 29, 2011 and was last seen at approximately 3:00 a.m. on May 28, 2011, while at Hogsback Lake, celebrating a friend’s birthday.

The investigation has been led by BC RCMP Major Crime in support of Vanderhoof RCMP.

Police are currently executing a search warrant at a rural property on the east side of Vanderhoof. The area has been secured and additional resources are anticipated to be on scene for as long as may be required.

We can confirm that the property is associated to the discovery of Maddy who has been positively identified by BC Coroner's Service. The Scott family has been advised and they have asked for privacy at this time. Many areas of support remain in place for the family.

This has been a priority investigation for the RCMP over the past 12 years. The discovery of Maddy is a significant development, however this investigation remains an active and ongoing missing person's investigation where foul play has not been ruled out said Cpl Madonna Saunderson BC RCMP Communications.

No charges have been laid. Anyone with any information is asked to call Tipline (778) 290-5291 or (877) 543-4822

Diffusé par :

Cap. Madonna Saunderson
S.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Nord
4020, 5e Avenue, Prince George (C.-B.) V2M 7E7
Bureau : 250-561-3166
Cellulaire : 250-301-3521

Courriel : madonna.saunderson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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