Kitimat RCMP Weekly Report October 6th to October 12th 2022


2022-10-20 14:28 PDT

Theft under $5000:

The Kitimat RCMP were advised of a Theft from a business on October 6th, 2022. It was reported that a male had left a business, located on the 100 block of City Centre, without paying for merchandise. Patrols for the male were negative however the file is still under investigation.

Suspected Vehicle Break in:

On October 6th, 2022 the Kitimat RCMP were advised of a suspicious circumstance. It was reported that a person appeared to be attempting to break into a vehicle. Upon attendance, it was discovered that the owner of the vehicle had locked their keys in the vehicle and was attempting to get the door open.

Impaired Driver:

During the early morning hours of October 7th, 2022, a traffic stop conducted by the Kitimat RCMP resulted in a 3-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition. The driver was stopped for speeding when the police officer started an impaired driving investigation. The driver was found to be under the influence of liquor, resulting in a driving prohibition and vehicle impoundment.

Mischief to Vehicle:

The Kitimat RCMP received a report of a vehicle having its glass broken on October 7th, 2022. The owner of the vehicle reported that the night before they had heard glass breaking, and later found it was glass on their vehicle parked on Kootenay Street, in Kitimat.

Emergency Services Open House:

The Kitimat RCMP hosted an emergency Services Open House and BBQ by donation on October 8th, 2022. There was an excellent turn out and all moneys raised by donations will be forwarded to the Aluminum City Telethon on October 16th. Thank you to Sitka lodge and the Rotary Club of Kitimat who generously provided burgers and hot dogs for the barbeque and to Kitimat Fire and Paramedics, British Columbia Conservation Officer Services, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Royal Canadian Marine Search Rescue, Kitimat Search Rescue and of course our amazing community members for attending.

Intoxicated in Public:

A report of a male laying in a ditch on the 800 block of Tsimshian Blvd in Kitimat resulted in the Kitimat RCMP arresting the male for causing a disturbance by being intoxicated in a public place on October 9th, 2022. The male was transported to the Kitimat RCMP detachment cells, released once sober and after receiving a violation ticket for being intoxicated in a public place.

Passed out Driver:

The Kitimat RCMP received a report of a possible intoxicated driver during the early morning hours on October 10th, 2022. An officer located the vehicle with the driver passed out behind the wheel. Once the driver was woken up, an investigation into impaired operation of a vehicle was started. The driver refused to provide a sample of breath, as such they received a 90-day immediate roadside driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Bear Reminder:

The Kitimat RCMP were advised of a possible bear sighting around the 100 Block of Elderberry street in Kitimat on October 10th, 2022. The bear was scared into the bushes to prevent any conflicts with humans. The Kitimat RCMP would like to remind all residents that bears are in the area and looking for items to eat to get ready for the winter. Please ensure all garbage is put in an area that will not attract bears, as well make sure all the fruit is off your trees.

Intoxicated by Drug:

After receiving a report of a driver possibly driving while using cannabis, a Kitimat RCMP officer located the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop on October 12th, 2022. An investigation into impaired driving was conducted and the driver was found to have consumed cannabis. The driver was issued a 24-hour driving prohibition and was also issued a violation ticket for having an expired drivers license. The vehicle was impounded as well.


Released by

Sgt. Rob Gardner
Operations NCO
Kitimat RCMP
888 Lahakas Blvd, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H9
Office: 250-632-7111
Fax: 250-632-2326


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