RCMP investigate suspicious vehicle fire

Fort St John, Information Wanted

2022-09-15 07:26 PDT

File # 2022-7761

On September 11, 2022, at 11pm, Fort St John RCMP received a report from the Fort St John Fire Services to assist with a vehicle on fire at the North Peace Secondary School.

Police and Fire Services arrived to find the vehicle in a locked compound. The fire was extinguished with extensive damage to the interior of the car.

No other vehicles were damaged and no one was injured as a result of the fire.

"Police are considering the fire as suspicious and are investigating the incident as an arson", said Constable Chad Neustaeter, Media Relations Officer for the Fort St John RCMP.  "Police are continuing to investigate, following up on some credible leads in this matter."

The Fort St John RCMP continues to investigate and is asking anyone who may have additional information about this vehicle fire, to please contact the Fort St John RCMP at 250-787-8100.

Released by:

Cst. Chad Neustaeter
Media Relations Officer
Fort St John RCMP
10648 100th St, Fort St John, BC, V1J 3Z6
Office: 250-787-8100
Fax: 250-787-8133

Email: chad.neustaeter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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