In the Community

2016-02-26 09:41 PST

RCMP and the public working together to enhance public safety.

Chilliwack RCMP Conduct Distracted Driving Enforcement Blitz

Chilliwack RCMP performing distracted driving checks

Richmond RCMP - Cops, kids and hockey. Oh so Canadian.

Richmond RCMP members and McKinney Elementary students playing hockey

Williams Lake Basketball Tournament

Williams lake RCMP and teens playing basketball


The BC RCMP are proud to show our support on Pink Shirt Day! - Cranbrook RCMP

GRC en Cranbrook porte leur chandail rose

Pink is the new black! - Emergency Response Team

ERT members wearing pink shirts

High fives at Bridgeview Elementary,  Surrey, B.C.

"High fives" à l’école élémentaire Bridgeview


Richmond RCMP

Richmond RCMP wearing pink shirts

North Vancouver RCMP

North Van RCMP wearing pink shirts

Ridge Meadows RCMP

Ridge Meadows RCMP wearing pink shirts


Cst. Borelli from Fort St. James RCMP delivering donated Panda bears.

Cst. Borelli from Fort St. James RCMP delivering donated Panda bears.

Richmond RCMP at 5th annual "Journey Into Islam" event

Richmond RCMP at 5th annual "Journey Into Islam" event

North Van RCMP practicing with North Van Minor Hockey for Cops For Cancer game

North Van RCMP practicing with North Van Minor Hockey for  Cops For Cancer game


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