Victim Services

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Mission Victim Services
7171 Oliver St.
Mission, BC
V2V 6H2
(604) 820-3504

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00 pm

Your Entitlement

If you are a victim of crime, British Columbia’s Victim of Crime Act gives you the right to receive information about:

Who We Are

Mission’s Police-based Victim Services Program is located in the Mission RCMP detachment at Highway 7 and Oliver street. We have two full time staff and a number of volunteers. In addition to our regular office hours we are on call for the police, 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The program is administered by the Mission Community Services Society and receives it’s funding from both Provincial and Municipal governments. Mandates are outlined through Federal and Provincial legislation, contracts with the Solicitor General and through RCMP policies. Our target population is all victims of crime and trauma and their families within the response area of the Mission RCMP (Mission, Regional District and Federal lands (Reserves).

How We Can Help

Mission Victim Services provides: Crisis intervention response to the scene (24/7) as well as telephone and in-person follow up. We offer drop in and appointment access at the detachment and we accompany victims to court, parole hearings and other key appointments related to the file. Also, In accordance with the BC Victims of Crime Act Mission Victim Services helps victims and their families cope with the effects of crime/trauma by:

Volunteer Opportunity

If you are looking for a volunteer position that provides job ready skills in the Criminal Justice and Social Work fields and offers the opportunity to be involved in your community you will be interested to know we are currently recruiting prospective volunteers to enter into the self paced training program.

We are looking for people who:

A Victim Services Application form can be picked up from the Mission Detachment at 7171 Oliver Street, Mission, BC. If you have questions please call the 604-820-3504 and ask for a program manager.

For more information on the provincial Victim Services program please follow this link to the BC Victim Services Program home page.

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