Lower Mainland District Integrated Tactical Troop

The Lower Mainland District (LMD) Emergency Response Team coordinates the call outs for the LMD Integrated Tactical Troop. This troop is comprised of 130 members, from across the RCMP LMD and the municipal police agencies of Abbotsford, New Westminster, West Vancouver, Delta, and the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Police Service.

The Lower Mainland District Integrated Tactical Troop is involved in the following:Tactical troop standing in line for duty

  1. Public Order (Crowd Control and Management)
  2. Disaster Response Assistance
  3. Scene Security and Search
  4. Counter Terrorist Search Operations

Each of the police officers on this team volunteer to perform these functions when needed. The team assists other units in the Lower Mainland and has been involved in major operations within the province and throughout Canada, when necessary. Some of these operations include the Okanagan Mountain Park fire in 2003 and the G8/G20 Summit in Ontario in 2010. The team has also assisted the Vancouver Police Department with the Stanley Cup Riot in 2011.

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